Get ready for an engaging camp experience where STEM, creativity and ingenuity collide with fun. Through design challenges, problem-solving exercises, and group projects, campers at the Kids Coding's March Break & Summer Camp expand their technology skills, world perspectives, and friendships.
Dedicated to Education
Qualified teachers and staff run our camp.
Certified STEM camp
We are a certified STEM camp by our parents and their kids, rating the best STEM camp downtown.
Project Based Learning
Kids will learn real-world practical knowledge that will help them learn abilities that last a lifetime.
We have a high employee-to-camper ratio of three staff members for every twelve children.
6 Major themes
Storyboarding and Character design
Kids will be exploring the world of media by designing interactive story-boarding, characters and more!
Introduction to JavaScript & HTML
Kids will be exploring and learning the beginner level of JavaScript and HTML. At the end of the camp, they will have fundamental knowledge to coding.
General Robotics + LEGO robotics + Online Robotics (Evo)
Robotics is all around us! Explore the fantastic world of robots and coding by learning different physics and coding facts while building LEGO + online robotics!
2D&3D Game Design
Kids will be learning the game development industry by creating their own game from concept to completion!
3D printing
3D printing is our newest feature for the 2022 camp. Kids will be learning 3D printing through computers and creating their projects using the 3D printer.
STEM projects
Kids will be building real-life hands-on projects while learning maths and physics facts.